Surprising Maria Foundation Visit

The Fairytale Foundation had the privilege of providing an adorable character for the birthday of a 2 year old girl named Maria.
Maria was diagnosed on Halloween Day 2019 with a large tumor in her kidney. She had surgery to remove the tumor and kidney and was later diagnosed with anaplastic sarcoma of the kidney. She is only the 27th person to have this very rare tumor.
After tumor resection, Maria has scans that showed no signs of cancer but due to the rare form it presented itself, she has been going through high doses of chemo bi-weekly until the summer of 2020.
“She spends a lot of time in the hospital and we are blessed that she was able to spend her 2nd birthday with her twin and older brother at home,” Maria’s mother, Vanessa, said. “Azia did such a great job as Minnie Mouse. She was kind, patient and entertaining to Maria and our guests.”
Our Minnie Mouse entertainer expressed that although she has done hundreds of birthday parties for the company before, all of them special, she had never had one more memorable and full of magic than with Maria and her family.
“I greeted all the children and we began blowing bubbles at our two birthday girls, where we got our first smile out of our little princess angel,” Azia said. “[Maria] began to dance in her grandma‘s lap and then she got up for the first time all day!”
The birthday carried on with balloons, games of hide and seek, and, of course, the Baby Shark song and dance.
“Seeing Maria smile, giggle and dance made the day very special for us,” Vanessa said. “It was a great experience that allowed us to forget everything for a few hours and have fun!”
Vanessa shared that every time Maria goes through chemo she snuggles up with her little Minnie Mouse plush doll to help make things bearable.
“Every time I see Minnie Mouse since the party, I think of the princess angel I once met and say a little prayer,” Azia said.
The Fairytale Foundation was created to make positive differences in struggling families lives, like Maria and her family. Everyone deserves sunshine when they have been battling storms.
When the Fairytale Foundation is called upon to shed light on a little one’s day, we go above and beyond to make sure the visit is perfect and a day to never be forgotten. Your continued support of the Fairytale Foundation enables them to provide magical visits just like this one for children facing difficult challenges.